Christmas is all about giving generously, crazy spending on gifts and hosting fabulous Christmas eve dinners. After two consecutive years in a long-lasting pandemic, now thanks to Mr. Inflation most people must tighten their belt this holiday season…unless your name is Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.
The idea that you will not be able to celebrate and give your family the kind of Christmas they deserve feels depressing, I get it. As cliché this might be sound Christmas does not have to be about elaborate gift giving, buying too many gifts does not guarantee a happier holiday season in fact it is quite the opposite.
That being said, it is time to discuss a few ideas to help you have a wise and wonderful Christmas even in this period of high inflation, and to avoid starting a January saddled with Christmas debt regrets.
Where to find your Christmas money?
- Have you heard about No-Spend November? Build a no-spend days and challenges and stay committed.
- Declutter pays off. The holiday season is the best time to sell the great stuff you have grown out of and the barely used ones.
- As Christmas tends to cover a few activities such as school activities, workplace celebrations, family gathering, you will need to plan those expenses, hence a Christmas budget.
- If you are anything like me, you must have a bunch of boxes filled with Christmas decorations of the prior years, well it is time to play hide and seek!
- In need of something new? Go enjoy a winter walk in the park you will be surprised of all natural christmas decorations that you can find.
- Kids are little budget-drainers, I can write an entire book about this subject. When managing a tight budget, it is recommended to use the rule of four when gifting your kids: something to read, to wear, something they want and something they need.
- You can also buy second good quality hand toy, this is a brilliant way to have a budget friendly and zero waste Christmas.
- You have a big family? Organize a Secret Santa for adult presents.
Family gathering
Planning family dinners can get crazy if you are expecting a crowd not to mention it can cost you big a lot of money ! Go Potluck! after all inflation is impacting everybody, people will thank you.
Christmas activities
- Christmas parade is a must! Montreal parade is back and scheduled for November 19!
- Check out your local churches for free events like a living nativity.
- Attend a free tree lighting.
- Plan a cookie activity: gingerbread, shortbread, or any other traditional holiday cookie.
- Christmas markets are back! take a detour grab a hot coco and enjoy the Christmas spirit.